What people and attitudes no longer fit in your life?
How will you raise your standards for your life?
Align yourself with positive and powerful people who can help you get to where you want to be.
Surround yourself with winners.
If you can’t find any winners; read about them, listen to their work, research them.
You are never too old to take your life forward. You are never too old to take steps towards goals that excite you.
Don’t let the naysayers impact what you see possible for you.
Stop complaining and playing victim.
Let the past go and grow.
Your past does not represent what is possible for your future. It just represents your growth and development at that particular point in your life!
We can all succeed, as long as we are willing to dig deep and move forward.
Athletes are great examples of hard training, perseverance, dedication, tough mental attitude, and shear sweat.
Les Brown is the voice over, his personal story is amazing.
-------------------------How will you raise your standards for your life?
Align yourself with positive and powerful people who can help you get to where you want to be.
Surround yourself with winners.
If you can’t find any winners; read about them, listen to their work, research them.
You are never too old to take your life forward. You are never too old to take steps towards goals that excite you.
Don’t let the naysayers impact what you see possible for you.
Stop complaining and playing victim.
Let the past go and grow.
Your past does not represent what is possible for your future. It just represents your growth and development at that particular point in your life!
We can all succeed, as long as we are willing to dig deep and move forward.
Athletes are great examples of hard training, perseverance, dedication, tough mental attitude, and shear sweat.
Les Brown is the voice over, his personal story is amazing.
Source: Youtube